Programmable handling system designed for a surface treatment plant at a gear manufacturing company.
Perfect adherence to the cycle time enhances quality and productivity
Triveni Engineering & Industries Limited (TEIL) is among the three largest sugar manufacturers in India, and the market leader in its engineering business comprising of steam turbines, high-speed gears, gearboxes and water treatment solutions.
Triveni Gears, the Gear Business Group of TEIL, has a factory in Mysore, Karnataka. The group is the largest manufacturer of high-speed gears and gearboxes in India for steam turbines, gas turbines, compressors, pumps, blowers as well as special purpose industry applications. Reliability built through superior manufacturing technology, and high product quality combined with 38 years of rich experience in advanced technology gears are the key strengths of the company.
To increase the manufacturing capacity, Triveni Gears was setting up an additional semi-automated, gear manufacturing plant. As part of the gear manufacturing process, after hobbing, every gear undergoes heat treatment. Heat treatment optimises the performance and extends the service life of the gear by altering its chemical, metallurgical and physical properties. Subsequently, the gear undergoes surface treatment process for further enhancement in durability, quality and reliability. The project team of Triveni Engineering was considering the automation of the material handling operations of the new surface treatment plant.
The surface treatment process employed at Triveni Gears is a 12 tank process wherein gears have to be dipped/soaked sequentially into each tank for a stipulated duration. The duration of the dipping/soaking in each tank has to be meticulously adhered to for ensuring desired results.
To automate the handling of gears throughout the surface treatment process and to adhere to the desired cycle time, it was essential to develop a programmable solution. The customer was requiring flexibility in programming so as to easily change the parameters to accommodate change in requirements. From the customer's perception, getting a programmable overhead crane which could meet the precision handling requirements was indeed challenging. And that too, within the available time frame, with a surety of service support.
When the customer approached us with the requirement, our team invested time in carefully understanding the process, the parameters, customer expectations as well as future needs.
Considering the weight of the gears and the overall area of the surface treatment plant, a single girder crane of 5t SWL with 4.59m span, fitted with industry-favourite and proven ElectroMech Hoist was recommended. In order to exercise precise control on process parameters, it was essential that the crane be automated and hence, powered with a PLC.
After understanding the process and logic, the complete system architecture and programming were developed in such a manner that the crane can perform all the operations sequentially even in Auto mode. Crane operations can be programmed using HMI for Auto mode and RRC/Pendant while in Manual mode.
The motion of all the drive motors is controlled via Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), which allows precision control. Seamless, wire-free communication between HMI and PLC is achieved using industrial Wi-Fi routers at both the ends.
For absolute position sensing, WCS sensors are used in travel motions. Special encoders are fitted to provide continuous feedback about the position of the hoist to the PLC.
Advanced controller with simple programming for simplified operations
With the help of PLC, the Operation Cycle is made extremely simple. The overall process is carried out in the following steps,
More features for safety, flexibility and operator-friendliness
The system is operational and the customer was delighted to get the reliable solution with the completely programmable material handling solution backed by benchmark service support.